
First: sending warm, supportive thoughts to those in need on the east coast. xo

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I have Mondays all to myself.


I knew going into my new schedule that I’d seek to accomplish an astronomical amount of stuff on Mondays. I said the following out loud as much as possible: “I will not put freaky pressure on myself to work. I will also allow myself the freedom to enjoy the space and time.” It was like an affirmation chant that I desperately wanted to believe.


This is the first time in nearly three years — since Ruby was born — that I’ve had a regularly scheduled day to myself. And, really, there have only been two or three full days ever. So, it’s a change for us. A welcome shift that feels good to everyone involved.

It’s been four weeks now and yesterday was the first day I made time away from my sewing machine and computer. Yesterday I went for a run. I ran without a time to be back, without anyone waiting for me at home.
I motored up, pressing my anxiety into the hill. Every step up brought relief. It rained. The willowy, dry grass has the perfect balance: firmly anchored where it matters, extremely flexible where it matters. Like the hula.
I hadn’t been on a good run in a few weeks and sometimes it can feel really hard after a break like that. But yesterday, I was reminded that in every situation we get to choose our focus: the obstacle or the potential. 
It was a bit rough going up but then there was beyond
These windows where I make time for my own physical and emotional health, they are so important to me. And so they are also important to my kids. 
I picked Margot and Ruby up at 3 and we had the best afternoon just popping around town on errands. Mostly, this mama had to resolve a few details in costume-making. There was a last-minute shift in choice: Ruby is now a pink cat and Margot is now a princess. In this week’s mamalode column, I wrote about my clumsy, weighty reaction to Margot’s princess costume idea and how I evolved, with her help, to a place that feels really good. Click to read mama digs: Princess.
I’ll post all about the Royal Feline Clines from the south central Montana town of Red Lodge, where we will be for the rest of the week! 


  1. Sarah Avatar

    Nikki. I am religious in making time for myself on my child-free days. I work from home too, so have to fit that in. But I almost ALWAYS go to the gym or for a fun. And must to many folks amusement, I often take myself out to a cafe for lunch. It is heaven to linger over a coffee and good book ALONE.
    Whenever people ask me what I want as a gift I can never think of anything more precious as time alone. As a Mum it is so fortifying.

  2. dig this chick Avatar

    Sarah: That is so inspiring! Oh man I want to be like that. I hope this Monday was the beginning of my weekly run up the mountain. 🙂

  3. Sarah Avatar

    Not only do I go for a 'fun'… I try to go for a RUN! 🙂

  4. Denise Avatar

    This is such a lovely read. It reads like poetry. I need to make time for myself. This is so difficult!

  5. Mary Thomas Avatar

    So true Sarah. Nothing more precious. Why don't we say things like go for a fun? Hehehe

  6. Mary Thomas Avatar

    So true Sarah. Nothing more precious. Why don't we say things like go for a fun? Hehehe

  7. dig this chick Avatar

    Indeed! I'd like to schedule going for a fun every day.

  8. TRB Holt Avatar

    A FUN! Love that….Safe travels my sweets!

  9. Bonjour! Avatar

    ,,,"the obstacle or the potential?"…YES, YES, yes this very question is what I've been needing to ask myself. It's that easy, two choices only and the latter is my choice. I'm in!,,,

  10. Unknown Avatar

    "yesterday, I was reminded that in every situation we get to choose our focus: the obstacle or the potential." Could you please stitch this on a sweatshirt for me…?

  11. Mrs. Kamp Avatar

    Are your girls a fan of the Olivia books? There is a new one called "Olivia and the Fairy Princess" that I thought of when you wrote about the dreaded princess costume…

    You deserve those well earned momma only

  12. Anonymous Avatar

    We had a last minute shift in choice over the costume situation, too. From Cinderella to a pink punk rocker ballerina. I loved it!

    Enjoy your Mondays, mama. <3

  13. Zoë Avatar

    I'm struggling with a lack of me time these days. If I'm not at home with my three kids (alone most of the time as my husband has already moved to our new home, 3 hours away), I'm at work, and that doesn't count as me time. Nor do the hours after the kids go to bed. I'm just biding my time until we are all in the same place again, so I can go off exploring BY MYSELF! And once that adventure is over, I will eagerly race back home to my little family again, feeling refreshed and restored. I just don't know when that will be.

  14. Unknown Avatar

    Alice reminds me so much of my dog 🙂 I think they would be friends 🙂

  15. Ellie Avatar

    I so know what you mean, Nici. I've recently come back to dancing–after years and years of not doing it–and going to a dance class, by myself, no children in tow, is the best feeling in the world. I come home happy to see everyone. They know it, so they don't begrudge my time away.

  16. Kelly Cach Avatar

    Ah….serenity, peace, time, quiet.
    Could feel it all in your words and photos.

  17. Peeper Avatar

    Oh, I love this: "The willowy, dry grass has the perfect balance: firmly anchored where it matters, extremely flexible where it matters." Terrific imagery.

    Sandy was our "welcome to New York" storm and, other than a big, beautiful willow down in the back yard, she was forgiving with us. We never lost power or internet. However, we did spend the night in the basement after that willow shook the house on its way down! We fared much better than some. Now to see what happens at my husbands work place in Manhattan…this may be the downside of a single income.

  18. Anonymous Avatar

    "…in every situation we get to choose our focus: the obstacle or the potential." YOU.ARE.AWESOME!!!!!! I love this so much. You have such a gift with words. Thank you for sharing it with all of us. 🙂

  19. Simply Live Avatar

    some really great photos on this post too!

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