First: sending warm, supportive thoughts to those in need on the east coast. xo
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I have Mondays all to myself.

I knew going into my new schedule that I’d seek to accomplish an astronomical amount of stuff on Mondays. I said the following out loud as much as possible: “I will not put freaky pressure on myself to work. I will also allow myself the freedom to enjoy the space and time.” It was like an affirmation chant that I desperately wanted to believe.

This is the first time in nearly three years — since Ruby was born — that I’ve had a regularly scheduled day to myself. And, really, there have only been two or three full days ever. So, it’s a change for us. A welcome shift that feels good to everyone involved.
It’s been four weeks now and yesterday was the first day I made time away from my sewing machine and computer. Yesterday I went for a run. I ran without a time to be back, without anyone waiting for me at home.
I motored up, pressing my anxiety into the hill. Every step up brought relief. It rained. The willowy, dry grass has the perfect balance: firmly anchored where it matters, extremely flexible where it matters. Like the hula.
I hadn’t been on a good run in a few weeks and sometimes it can feel really hard after a break like that. But yesterday, I was reminded that in every situation we get to choose our focus: the obstacle or the potential.
It was a bit rough going up but then there was beyond.
These windows where I make time for my own physical and emotional health, they are so important to me. And so they are also important to my kids.
I picked Margot and Ruby up at 3 and we had the best afternoon just popping around town on errands. Mostly, this mama had to resolve a few details in costume-making. There was a last-minute shift in choice: Ruby is now a pink cat and Margot is now a princess. In this week’s mamalode column, I wrote about my clumsy, weighty reaction to Margot’s princess costume idea and how I evolved, with her help, to a place that feels really good. Click to read
mama digs: Princess.
I’ll post all about the Royal Feline Clines from the south central Montana town of Red Lodge, where we will be for the rest of the week!
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